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Ani Makaryan

🔷 Ani Makaryan currently holds the position of Management Board member and General Counsel at Armenia Securities Exchange and Central Depository. She specializes in corporate law, transactions and services within the financial and securities market. Prior to this, from 2009 to 2021, Ani served as the head of the enforcement division at the Central Bank […]

Hranush Aghayan

🔷 Hranush Aghayan has shared her expertise internationally, consulting on consumer ADR schemes, mediation, and adjudication for several foreign countries, including Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Russia, and Ukraine. 🔷 From 2009 to 2018, she served as the Head of the Case Handling and Investigating Group at the Office of Financial System Mediator of Armenia. […]

Johannes P. Willheim

🔷 Johannes P. Willheim is an international attorney and dispute resolution professional with more than 20 years of experience. He acts as a trusted party advisor to clients prior to, during, and post formal proceedings, as well as an advocate in formal arbitration, litigation, and ADR proceedings. 🔷 He currently serves as a Partner at […]