Victor Dumler

🔷 Victor Dumler currently holds the position of Managing Partner at the Dumler & Partners Law office, St. Petersburg, Russia. At the same time, he currently serves as a Board Member at the St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Law, he contributes to shaping the educational programs of the institution. 🔷 Victor Dumler is highly […]

Yelena Aleqsanyan

🔷Lawyer: (2024 February to present) in “Leader and Co” LLC, 🔷Claim examiner (January 2020 to date) Specialist-lawyer (June 2019-December 2019) “Office of the Conciliator of the Financial System”, 2019 June – 2024 February: 🔷Lawyer: “Grand Candy” LLC, 2018 March – 2019 June: 🔷International Programs Officer-Lawyer of the Case Management Department RA Ministry of Justice “Judicial District” […]

Nune Pepanyan

🔷2017 since November, “Center for Legislation Development and Legal Research” Foundation of the Ministry of Justice: expert, consultant from 2023 – head of the office 🔷She worked as a director, team and program leader, local expert in a number of international and local organizations. 🔷From 2004 until now, she has been carrying out expert work, capacity […]

Chérine Sophia FTOUKI

🔷Chérine Sophia Ftouki is an International Arbitrator and Expert Consultant in Energy & Environmental Policy. She has expertise in International Dispute Resolution and Public International Law, she combines top-tier legal experience with academic experience as Visiting Lecturer at California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, where she taught Investor-State-Disputes Settlement (ISDS). 🔷With previous experience as a Global International Arbitration Specialist (Consultant) at […]

Corrado Mora

🔷International Mediator and Dispute Resolution Practitioner. FCIArb (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – London) CEDR Accredited Mediator (London). CIArb Accredited Mediator (London). Member of several international Panels of Neutrals (ICDR-AAA, New York; WIPO, Geneva; CPR, New York; CEDR, London; CafA, Rotterdam; ADGM Abu Dhabi; ECDR, Ljubljana; the Mediation Centre, Dubai; CAM, Milan, AMCA, […]

Wolf Von Kumberg

🔷Wolf is a leading internationally recognised independent arbitrator and mediator practising globally out of London, Washington D.C and Abu Dhabi. 🔷Wolf has over 30 years’ experience in complex commercial disputes within international business with a particular focus on Maritime, Aviation, Defence, Technology, Cyber, Engineering/Infrastructure, Energy, Oil &Gas and Investor State dispute resolution. Before establishing his […]

Wolf Von Kumberg

🔷Wolf is a leading internationally recognised independent arbitrator and mediator practising globally out of London, Washington D.C and Abu Dhabi. 🔷Wolf has over 30 years’ experience in complex commercial disputes within international business with a particular focus on Maritime, Aviation, Defence, Technology, Cyber, Engineering/Infrastructure, Energy, Oil &Gas and Investor State dispute resolution. Before establishing his […]

Anna Iacovou Stylianou

🔷RICS, MRICS, 1988  🔷CIArb, FCIArb, 1999  🔷Panel CIArb, Chartered Arbitrator, 2001  🔷PACS, Registered Arbitrator, 2009  🔷AIADR, FAIADR, 2019  🔷ADGM Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators 2022  🔷CEDR, Accredited Mediator, 2007 v CEDR, Certificate on Negotiation, 2011 🔷CEDR, Certificate on Advance Negotiation, 2017 🔷RICS, Certificate in Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project management, 2016  🔷Certificate OHSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor, […]

Hasmik Pakhanyan

 🔷Specialist in RA Court of Appeals   🔷Lawyer, trainer  in “Women’s Support Center” NGO ,  🔷Founding Director of “Pakhanyan & Partners”.

Anthony Walker

🔷Was internationally recognised for CIS-related M&A, working in that sphere for 15 years.  🔷Now works full time on international disputes.  🔷Since 2021, he has been counsel on 11 international commercial arbitrations (5 LCIA, 2 ICC, 1 HKIAC, 1 DIAC and 2 SCC). 🔷Has been involved (as counsel, or as mediator) in 4 international mediations.