Victor Dumler

Victor Dumler currently holds the position of Managing Partner at the Dumler & Partners Law office, St. Petersburg, Russia. At the same time, he currently serves as a Board Member at the St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Law, he contributes to shaping the educational programs of the institution. Victor Dumler is highly regarded in […]
Yelena Aleqsanyan

Lawyer: (2024 February to present) in “Leader and Co” LLC, Claim examiner (January 2020 to date) Specialist-lawyer (June 2019-December 2019) “Office of the Conciliator of the Financial System”, 2019 June – 2024 February: Lawyer: “Grand Candy” LLC, 2018 March – 2019 June: International Programs Officer-Lawyer of the Case Management Department RA Ministry of Justice “Judicial District” […]
Nune Pepanyan

2017 since November, “Center for Legislation Development and Legal Research” Foundation of the Ministry of Justice: expert, consultant from 2023 – head of the office She worked as a director, team and program leader, local expert in a number of international and local organizations. From 2004 until now, she has been carrying out expert work, capacity […]
Chérine Sophia FTOUKI

Chérine Sophia Ftouki is an International Arbitrator and Expert Consultant in Energy & Environmental Policy. She has expertise in International Dispute Resolution and Public International Law, she combines top-tier legal experience with academic experience as Visiting Lecturer at California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, where she taught Investor-State-Disputes Settlement (ISDS). With previous experience as a Global International Arbitration Specialist (Consultant) at […]
Corrado Mora

International Mediator and Dispute Resolution Practitioner. FCIArb (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – London) CEDR Accredited Mediator (London). CIArb Accredited Mediator (London). Member of several international Panels of Neutrals (ICDR-AAA, New York; WIPO, Geneva; CPR, New York; CEDR, London; CafA, Rotterdam; ADGM Abu Dhabi; ECDR, Ljubljana; the Mediation Centre, Dubai; CAM, Milan, AMCA, […]
Wolf Von Kumberg

Wolf is a leading internationally recognised independent arbitrator and mediator practising globally out of London, Washington D.C and Abu Dhabi. Wolf has over 30 years’ experience in complex commercial disputes within international business with a particular focus on Maritime, Aviation, Defence, Technology, Cyber, Engineering/Infrastructure, Energy, Oil &Gas and Investor State dispute resolution. Before establishing his […]
Wolf Von Kumberg

Wolf is a leading internationally recognised independent arbitrator and mediator practising globally out of London, Washington D.C and Abu Dhabi. Wolf has over 30 years’ experience in complex commercial disputes within international business with a particular focus on Maritime, Aviation, Defence, Technology, Cyber, Engineering/Infrastructure, Energy, Oil &Gas and Investor State dispute resolution. Before establishing his […]
Anna Iacovou Stylianou

RICS, MRICS, 1988 CIArb, FCIArb, 1999 Panel CIArb, Chartered Arbitrator, 2001 PACS, Registered Arbitrator, 2009 AIADR, FAIADR, 2019 ADGM Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators 2022 CEDR, Accredited Mediator, 2007 v CEDR, Certificate on Negotiation, 2011 CEDR, Certificate on Advance Negotiation, 2017 RICS, Certificate in Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project management, 2016 Certificate OHSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor, […]
Hasmik Pakhanyan

Specialist in RA Court of Appeals Lawyer, trainer in “Women’s Support Center” NGO , Founding Director of “Pakhanyan & Partners”.
Anthony Walker

Was internationally recognised for CIS-related M&A, working in that sphere for 15 years. Now works full time on international disputes. Since 2021, he has been counsel on 11 international commercial arbitrations (5 LCIA, 2 ICC, 1 HKIAC, 1 DIAC and 2 SCC). Has been involved (as counsel, or as mediator) in 4 international mediations.
Anthony Walker

Was internationally recognised for CIS-related M&A, working in that sphere for 15 years. works full time on international disputes. Is familiar with the rules of the major international arbitral institutions, regularly advising parties to arbitrations. Since 2021, he has been counsel on 11 international commercial arbitrations (5 LCIA, 2 ICC, 1 HKIAC, 1 DIAC and […]
Mehrdad Mohammadi

Ph.D. in International Law. Experienced legal adviser and arbitrator with a demonstrated history of working in the law practice industry. Skilled in International Arbitration, Business Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Sports Law, Contracts Law, Air Law, Maritime Law. Mehrdad has a vast experience with international arbitration cases in sports law and commercial contracts disputes as legal counsel […]