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Lena Minasyan

One of the first challenges of the 5-year-old development program of the Public TV was the founding of a media academy. Its main objective is to prepare specialists of media sector through non-formal professional education, using the possibilities of the Public TV – equipment, employees, partners.

Overview of professional experience

The Media Academy of the First Channel has been headed by Lena Minasyan since its founding. She has occupied various leading positions in the media field.

In 2012-2013, was the editor and PR coordinator at law office.

In 2013-2018, worked at Panarmenian Media Group as the editor of news website and later as the team coordinator.

In 2016-2018, was the editor of foreign programs at the Public Radio of Armenia.

In 2018-2020, was the chief of staff of “Qaryak Media”.

In 2019-2021, was the founding director of Media Republic.

In 2020-2023, was the Director Media Academy of the First Channel.

Since January 2023 has been the Head of Staff of Public TV Company of Armenia.