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During the five-day discussions on the topic “What is arbitration and why to choose it when resolving disputes?”, the director of the “Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia” Tatevik Matinyan and expert Lilit Petrosyan presented the “Features and advantages of arbitration” to representatives of organizations and individuals interested in the field.

The discussions were conducted by experts in the field of arbitration, Hayk Kupelyants, doctor of legal sciences, who was invited from the United Kingdom where he practices law and acts as an arbitrator, and Aida Avanesyan, doctor of legal sciences, practicing arbitrator for many national and international arbitration disputes.

The speakers presented the advantages and features of arbitration to the participants, referring to both international and Armenian sectoral developments.

The sessions of discussions were organized by the “Legislation Development Center” Foundation in cooperation with the “Targeted technical assistance to support justice sector reforms in Armenia” program funded by the European Union.