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Arbitration and mediation, especially in the business sector, are effective and preferred alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Considering that circumstance, AMCA continues meetings with representatives of the business sector. This time AMCA was visited by businesswomen, with whom they discussed a number of important issues, such as the essence of arbitration, the procedure and terms of dispute resolution. During the meeting, it was presented that arbitration and mediation are very popular and widely used mechanisms all over the world. Arbitration is used to resolve legal disputes outside the traditional court system. Arbitration offers a faster and more flexible approach, with decisions made by impartial and specialized arbitrators. Mediation is a modern dispute resolution process where a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to reach a mutually acceptable agreement through discussion and negotiation. Mediation is slightly different in nature and helps both parties to come out of the dispute in a win-win situation. The meeting aimed both at general awareness and at the same time created an opportunity to discuss the perspective of solving problems in specific areas through arbitration and mediation. We continue our meetings with established business representatives in the field, who are ready to entrust disputes to AMCA from now on.

If you want to receive free consultation to resolve your dispute through arbitration, you can register for upcoming meetings organized by the Center by writing to our page or by calling 011-201-410.