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Arbitration and mediation are very popular and widely used mechanisms around the world. Arbitration and mediation are used to resolve legal disputes outside the traditional court system. Arbitration offers a faster and more flexible approach, with decisions made by impartial and specialized arbitrators. Mediation is a modern dispute resolution process where a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to reach a mutually acceptable agreement through discussion and negotiation. Therefore, emphasizing the raising of the level of awareness among students, as the latter are the future specialists of the field, Tatevik Matinyan, the director AMCA, and Lilit Petrosyan, the deputy director, gave a speech at the Faculty of Law of the French University in Armenia. During the meeting, the students got to know in more detail the essence of arbitration and mediation, arbitration disputes, their resolution and mechanisms, the work of the Center and possible cooperation in the future.