Start Your


Start your arbitration with AMCA by submitting a Request for Arbitration. You can submit the Request for Arbitration also remotely via email (sending all the necessary documents to AMCA’s email- or submitting via AMCA’s online platform. 

Arbitration Agreement

Filing of Arbitration Request

30 Days

Submission of the Response

Appointment of Arbitrators

Transfer of Arbitration Case Materials to the Arbitral Tribunal

Preparation of Protocol or Procedure

Case management conference and Procedural timeline

Submission of Claim and Response, if Not Previously Submitted

Hearings, Fact-Finding, Examination of Evidence

6 Months

Completion of Proceedings and Issuance of the Award

30 Days

Correction, Interpretation, and Additional Award

within 1 year

Compulsory Enforcement Service (CES)



Schedule a consultation with our experts to learn more about arbitration and mediation procedures tailored to your dispute.

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