On April 26, the “Armenia-Cyprus. Business opportunities” forum, in which AMCA director Tatevik Matinyan also participated. The purpose of the forum was to contribute to the strengthening of joint business ties between the two countries and the formation of new partnerships. Within the framework of the forum, AMCA hosted Angelos Papitis, managing partner of AGP-LAW company operating in Cyprus, and Alexey Rudenko, managing partner of A. Rudenko & Co. During the meeting, AMCA Director Tatevik Matinyan and Deputy Director Lilit Petrosyan presented the services provided by the Center and their advantages. During the discussion, the parties particularly emphasized the flexibility of the services provided by the Center, pointing out the importance of freedom of language choice and organizing online sessions. During the meeting, the necessity and importance of including AMCA in international agreements was also discussed. Angelos Papitos pointed out that through AMCA, foreign investors will have business confidence in Armenia, which will contribute to the development of investments in the country. At the end of the meeting, the parties decided to discuss possible collaborations in a more objective manner.