Today, Tatevik Matinyan, director of the “Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia” delivered a speech at the first panel discussion of the Armenian Lawyers Assembly.
During her speech, Ms. Matinyan emphasized the advantages of arbitration, in particular: resolution of disputes in the shortest possible time by specialized arbitrators. Arbitrators are appointed by the disputing parties.

Arbitrators can be from any country in the world, as the ” Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia” provides an opportunity to conduct the entire arbitration process remotely.
Speaking about Armenia-Diaspora cooperation, the director of the Center noted that AMCA is the best example of such cooperation, because two of the three founders of the Center are representatives of the Armenian Diaspora: Armenian General Benevolent Union and Armenian Bar Association. Many Armenian specialists from different countries from all over the world are involved in the work of the Center as arbitrators and experts.

Tatevik Matinyan expressed special thanks to the Diaspora Commissioner’s office for organizing this important event and expressed confidence that sharing the professional experience of our compatriots with their colleagues in Armenia can contribute to the institutional development of the sector.