On the 5th of September, the first meeting of the Steering Committee, which provides professional support for the establishment of the center and the development of key documents, was held in the office of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia.
The committee, formed in 2021, included well-known and authoritative international and national experts in the field of arbitration. They have experience in ICC, SCC, HKIAC and SIAC, as well as in well-known law firms in this field.

The committee members and the representatives of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Armenia held a discussion related to the Arbitration Rules of the Center, such as:

  • application of the rules,
  • means and procedures for written communications between the Center, the parties and the Arbitral tribunal,
  • the necessity of defining timelines,
  • scope of powers of the Arbitration Council,
  • other topics, which are necessary for the effective operation of the Center.

As a result of the discussion, the draft Arbitration Rules of the Center will be finalized and submitted for approval to the Center’s Board of Trustees.