Yelena Aleqsanyan

Lawyer: (2024 February to present) in “Leader and Co” LLC, Claim examiner (January 2020 to date) Specialist-lawyer (June 2019-December 2019) “Office of the Conciliator of the Financial System”, 2019 June – 2024 February: Lawyer: “Grand Candy” LLC, 2018 March – 2019 June: International Programs Officer-Lawyer of the Case Management Department RA Ministry of Justice “Judicial District” […]

Anna Iacovou Stylianou

RICS, MRICS, 1988  CIArb, FCIArb, 1999  Panel CIArb, Chartered Arbitrator, 2001  PACS, Registered Arbitrator, 2009  AIADR, FAIADR, 2019  ADGM Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators 2022  CEDR, Accredited Mediator, 2007 v CEDR, Certificate on Negotiation, 2011 CEDR, Certificate on Advance Negotiation, 2017 RICS, Certificate in Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project management, 2016  Certificate OHSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor, […]

Marlena Harutyunyan

Marlena Harutyunyan is senior associate at Archipel, Geneva. Marlena mainly represents and advises clients in arbitration proceedings, both commercial and investment, before major arbitral institutions (ICC, ICSID, LCIA, Swiss Arbitration Centre, etc.). She has experience in different industry sectors, including construction, aviation, energy, oil and gas, as well as in industrial risks and post-acquisition disputes. […]

Artak Shadyan

Artak Shadyan started his professional activity in 2012, first: in the state system, then privately in the financial and banking sector. Currently, Shadya is the co-founder-director of the law office, as also manages the ILA debt collection team. Member of the RA Chamber of Advocates since 2016. Since 2019, attached to the Chamber of Commerce […]

Gayane Demirchyan

Gayane has been a member of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia since 2015, and a member of the Council of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia since 2019. Since 2015, she has specialized in financial banking and labor law. Since 2020, I have been active in the field […]

Hrayr Badalyan

Since 2013, Hrayr Badalyan has been a specialist-lawyer examining claims in the Office of the Conciliator of the Financial System. Hrayr has gained professional experience in the field of alternative dispute resolution during his long-term activity. In the course of his professional activity, Hrayr has mediated disputes between consumers and financial organizations related to voluntary […]

Francisco Amallo 

Francisco Amallo is a partner in Martinez de Hoz & Rueda and specializes in international arbitration and litigation.   He is a professor of International Arbitral and Private International Law in graduate and postgraduate courses. He is the director of postgraduate programmes in International Arbitration and Construction Law.   He has represented clients in arbitrations under the […]

Gevorg Tumanov

Gevorg Tumanov is a managing partner in Redbridge’s Yerevan office and specializes in international investment and commercial arbitration, business advisory. Gevorg has represented clients in arbitrations under the rules of most of the leading international arbitration institutions including the ICSID, ICC, LCIA, ICAC. Represented successfully a U.S. investor in ICSID annulment proceedings. Annulled a negative […]

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