SESSION 1: The Second Annual International Arbitration Conference proudly presents an insightful panel discussion titled “Arbitration Dynamics: Navigating Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Economies.” This session brings together esteemed experts and thought leaders to delve into the evolving landscape of arbitration in emerging markets.
As globalization accelerates and developing economies increasingly influence international trade, arbitration has become a crucial tool for resolving cross-border disputes. However, the distinctive challenges and opportunities in developing economies require a nuanced understanding of arbitration’s role and effectiveness.
Key topics discussed include:
• Opportunities and challenges in Arbitration in developing economies case studies from emerging markets
• Building credibility: the role of arbitral institutions in emerging markets
• Armenia’s legal framework for Arbitration: recent developments and reforms: safeguarding foreign investments
• AMCA’s role in shaping modern Arbitration practices
• The importance of choice of law in developing economies, with special regard to the underlit principles
Moderator: Rafik Grigoryan, Deputy Chairman of the AMCA Arbitration Council, Managing Partner of the Sigma Law
Andrea Carlevaris, Member of the AMCA Arbitration Council, Partner of the BonelliErede, President of the Italian Arbitration Association
Eckart Brödermann, Senior and Founding Partner of the BRODERMANN JAHN
Nick Ginadze, Managing Partner of the Ginadze and Partners LLC
Hayk Kupelyants, Member of the AMCA Arbitration Council, Member of the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce
Rinaldo Sali, Vice Director General of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration
Tigran Dadunts, Director of the “Center for Legislation Development” Foundation of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia