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Zaruhi Papoyan


Corporate Law, Contract Law, Property Law, Torts, Intellectual Property, Labor Law, Family Law


2014-2019 – Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Bachelor’s Degree (Diploma of Excellence) 2019-2021 – Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Master’s degree, (Diploma of Excellence)

2020-2021 – Law School of the Republic of Armenia, “Civil Law (Administrative Law) Specialization

March-November 2022 – “Higher School of Arbitrators” affiliated with the NGO “Law Defender Association”

From 2024 to now – “European University of Armenia” Foundation, Public Law /ЖБ00.02/ specialty, applicant

Other educational programs

2018-2019 – Legal clinic attached to Yerevan State University

2022 October-November – BSM LLC, “Impactful communication in business” course

In 2023 from June 16 to 25 – “Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center” (TIAC) NGO, “Anti-Corruption School” educational program

October-November 2023 – “Armenian Lawyers Association of Intellectual Property” NGO, “Patent Law School” educational program

Scientific Article(s)

2022 November-December “Judicial Authority” (formerly “Orinatert”) scientific and methodical magazine, “Problems of the evidentiary significance of mobile device examination and data obtained as a result”

Overview of professional experience

🔷2019-2020 Lawyer’s assistant (license issued by the Chamber of Advocates N 214)

🔷2020-2021 – Provision of legal services on the basis of the contract for the provision of services of “Armbusinessbank” CJSC (“AMIO BANK” CJSC)

🔷In 2021 August – November – “Legal Tnsalting Technologies” LLC, lawyer

🔷From 2021 until now – member of the RA Chamber of Advocates, lawyer, license No. 3011

🔷From 2021 until now – “Aratta Consulting” LLC, legal consultant

🔷In 2022 November – to date – Corporate legal advisor (Kfc, Pizza hut, Audi, Porsche, Bentley Yerevan, Lacoste, Derjava group of companies, Slavmed medical center, Dilijan Resort) in the Armenian representative offices of the mentioned companies