
01.09.2001-15.08.2005 bachelor’s degree in law faculty with honors, Yerevan University of Economics and Law, Law faculty.
01.09.2005-20.05.2008 Master’s degree  in law faculty with honors, Yerevan University of Economics and Law,  in law faculty.
01.09.2011-01.05.2014 Master’s degree in  in law faculty, RA State Administration Academy, law faculty

“Defense” law firm /lawyer-consultant/ 01.04.2008-16.07.2008.

Advisor to the head of the RA Medical and Social Expertise Agency of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 01.10.2008-03.09.2009. 

First-class specialist of the territorial department of the Armavir region of the RA Transport Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Transport and Communications 21.12.2009-30.04.2010. 

Leading specialist of the legal control department of the RA State Labor Inspectorate of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 25.11.2010-11.01.2011. 

Staff of the RA National Assembly, paid assistant to the deputy of the RA NA 10.01.2011-10.05.2016.



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