
2011-2015 YSU Faculty of Law, Chair of Civil Law, Bachelor’s degree.

2015-2017 YSU Faculty of Law, Chair of Civil Law, Jurisprudence, master’s degree (diploma of excellence). Transcript of master’s thesis: “Legal regulation of international labor relations in the Republic of Armenia”.

2020-2021 “Media Law” course, joint program of YSU Faculty of Law and Journalism.

Other educational programs.

2014-2015 academic year., Yerevan State University, Legal Clinic, “Law for All” program.

2017 From February 28 to March 1, “Health Law” course, “Law Development Center” NGO.

2020 September 26, “What is domestic violence and its legal regulations” course, “Women’s Rights Center” NGO.

2021 From January 26 to February 20, “Fundamentals of Human Resource Management” course, State University of Economics of Armenia.

2021 from November 5 to 7. “Refugee Law” autumn school, UNHCR and “Mission Armenia” NGO.

2021 October-November, “Training of anti-corruption expertise of draft legal acts” two-month educational program, “Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center” NGO.

2023 January, “Ethics of judges, prosecutors and advocates” “CE HELP” online program of professional training of lawyers in the field of human rights.

2023 June, “Labor law as a human right” “CE HELP” online program of professional training of lawyers in the field of human rights.

2023 June-July, a training evening school for lawyers on “Legal Research and Human Rights Protection Mechanisms”, a joint program of the “Human Rights and Social Justice Master’s Program” of the American University of Armenia and the Human Rights Research Center.

2022 October – until now, lawyer, Armenian Center for the Protection of Human Rights named after A.D. Sakharov, NGO.

2023 November-until now, member of the working group developing the RA Law “On Youth”, according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture dated 06.11.2023, N 1419-А.

2022 August-December, lawyer of “CENTER OF HEALTH LAW” LLC.

2021-2022 September, “KAZA” Swiss humanitarian foundation, lawyer of the UNHCR “Hot Line” project implemented jointly with UNHCR.

2015-2022, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Legal Clinic, Assistant Director, Researcher, coordinator-coordinator of the “Law for All” program.



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