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SESSION 3: This panel convened legal experts, arbitrators, and judges to explore the evolving relationship between courts and arbitration in the context of dispute resolution.

As arbitration continues to grow in popularity as a method of resolving disputes, the role of courts in supporting—or potentially interfering with—arbitration processes has become a topic of intense debate. This panel aimed to address the delicate balance between judicial assistance and autonomy in arbitration, examining whether courts serve as helpful partners or intrusive friends.

Key issues were discussed:

• Court’s role in building a favorable arbitration seat

• Strategies for strengthening the collaboration between courts and arbitral tribunals

• Judicial support for arbitration agreements: enforcing the autonomy of parties

• Emergency arbitration and courts: facilitating urgent relief

• Judicial assistance to arbitration proceedings

Moderator: Galina Zukova, Member of the AMCA Arbitration Council, Partner of the ZUKOVA Legal


Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Founding Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at Pitkowitz & Partners, and President of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre

Yeranuhi Tumanyants, Member of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Armenia

Paul Heath KC, Arbitrator, Bankside Chambers, Auckland and Singapore; Judge of the Court of Appeal of Fiji, Judge of the Court of Appeal of Tonga, and Chief Justice of the Pitcairn Islands

Johaness Koepp, Partner of the Baker Botts

Ani Atanesyan, Judge at the First Instance Civil Court of General Jurisdiction of the City of Yerevan