Sophie Tkemaladze


International Sales, Construction, Infrastructure, General Commercial Law, Maritime Law


Harvard University (MA, US), John F. Kennedy School of Government                                        

Master in Public Administration, 2016      

CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY (Budapest, Hungary)                                                                          

LL.M in International Business Law, June 2006                                                                                                                              

TBILISI STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                              

Diploma in Law, June 2003                                                                                                          

Overview of professional experience

🔷Selected Arbitration Experience

  • Party representative in the ICC Arbitration (Case No. 28024/HBH) related to HPP construction project.
  • Sole arbitrator under the GIAC Rules (Case No. 001 – 2023). Dispute related to oil refining contract.
  • Co-arbitrator under the ICC Rules of Arbitration (Case No. 26593/HBH). Dispute related to

🔷hydropower plant construction related works.

  • Party representative in the DRC arbitration. Dispute related to reservoir rehabilitation Project.
  • Party representative in the LCIA arbitration. Dispute related to the loan & guarantee agreement.
  • Chair of the Tribunal under GIAC Rules (Case No. 006-2019) in a dispute related to int. sales contract.
  • Sole Arbitrator under DRC Rules (Case No. 7978) in a dispute related to rehabilitation of irrigation system.
  • Chair of the Dispute Board under FIDIC Pink Book on a dispute over a major Sewage System Construction in Georgia.

🔷Have advised governments and international organizations (EU, UNDP, USAID, ADB, GIZ) on the efficient dispute resolution systems and policy, including Georgia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Iraq. ‘

🔷Served as Chair of the Georgian Association of Arbitrators (GAA) 2017 – 2021 and in that role lead WG on legislative amendments; developed arbitrators’ accreditation system and curriculum for professional development; co-drafted the first Georgian language Ad Hoc arbitration Rules.

🔷Have trained hundreds of judges, lawyers, mediators, arbitrators in the subject-matter and skills of mediation and arbitration respectively.